Sunday, December 11, 2016


What a lovely Thanksgiving in New York; I'm so grateful Daniel met me there.

As the meal was coming together, we enjoyed the finest selection of meats, cheeses, breads, and other delectables.


Michele poured the Martinelli's.


Such a thoughtful dessert for "Lady Mary" et. al. (crepes with a chestnut cream between layers).

. . . and other thoughtful gatherings.

Such a beautiful day.

"We're just past the green dinosaur . . . right before Angry Bird"

As Daniel and I walked out of the Museum of Natural History the night before Thanksgiving, we were caught up in a river of people heading to see some of the inflated balloons for Macy's annual Thanksgiving Day parade.

We called Jill to try to describe a meeting spot:  "We're just past the green dinosaur, beside the yellow and red dragon, and just before Angry Bird."

Et voila!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Oh, Calvin, Grandma's Coming to Visit!

Spent such a lovely time in Seattle a couple of weekends ago.  Calvin is such a happy guy.

And Jake and Lyndsey are such amazing parents.  I especially appreciated getting to take part in Calvin's bedtime routine of reading books and singing songs.

Can't help but quote the last four lines of one of my favorite poems by Strickland Gillian:

“You may have tangible wealth untold; caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be. I had a mother who read to me.”

Have to laugh out loud at this picture because it shows how active Calvin is.  Lots of the reading time is spent with him choosing books off of his bookshelf and then motoring over and around Jake and Lyndsey as they read. 

On Saturday morning, Calvin's Uncle Daniel came over and we went to downtown Seattle and walked through Pike's Place Market and then down to the water where Daniel and I got to enjoy the ride "Wings over Washington" that Jake and Lyndsey recommended.  It was so good that just as it ended Daniel commented that he would do it again right then if it weren't so expensive and that "That was a great way to see our state."  True. 

Heading out on our walk.

Lunch break at Chipotle's, Daniel's favorite.  Looks like it may soon be Calvin's favorite, too!

We had some good Grandma to Grandson visiting time in the car.

When we returned from our adventure, it was time for a walk with Sully.  Such a great pup (although he's not much of a pup anymore and is super strong). 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ben at the Utah State Capitol

So grateful for the time spent with Ben, Brittan, and family last week.  On Tuesday, we all went to the State Capitol building in Salt Lake City for Ben to be officially sworn in as an attorney.

The ceremony was well done, with just the perfect balance of formality and informality . . . Brittan and I were comfortable watching from the perimeter of the small gathering of family and friends, which allowed us to follow James up the steps and walk with Caitlin to explore some of the behind the scenes spots.  Perfect.

This tribute to thank families for their support was perfect because as we know there are sacrifices for all throughout this long process of attaining the degree and passing the bar.

The ceremony took place in the Capitol rotunda, which is beautiful.

Can you spot Ben in both of these pictures?

Here's a bit of the swearing in . . . Caitlin and I were doing a little exploring, so we weren't at a spot where I could catch a video of Ben . . . but you get the idea.

And here's a picture of this beautiful Parker family.

Congratulations to you all!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Trip to Three Devils (and my favorite rivers)

Seems that as each summer is ending,  I have this need to get down on the Middle Fork of the Clearwater River as well as the Lochsa and the Selway.  Love these rivers!  They're kind of like the blood in my veins, as the rush and flow of the water seem to pump new life into me.

Tree Limb Coming Down--T-i-m-b-e-rrr!!!

This limb had a split all the way through so that you could see daylight right through it.  Thought of buying a chainsaw and cutting it down myself,  but so glad Don asked Roger to come over and take care of it.   His expertise helped make  quick project of it.

P.S.  Thanks, Debby, for reminding me to get outside and take pictures of this project as it was in process . . . made it just in time.